A "love/hate relationship" is a phrase I reckon we've all uttered once or twice but never, in our experience, has it more appropriate than for India. It would be very hard not to love the Taj Mahal, watching an Asiatic lion on a kill and coming very close to a beautiful Bengal tiger.

There are many other delights such as the palaces of Rajasthan and the occasional culinary delight. BUT, nowhere else that we have been to has been such a challenge. Our patience levels have become thinner than tracing paper! Sometimes, unfairly, it seems as though 1 billion people are conspiring together to part us from our cash. And this puts into the shade mere trivialities such as trains running 4 hours late; coping with 100 degree hot buses, with the promised air-con just that, a non-existent con! Still, neither of us has been sick in our 3 weeks here and that must be some kind of record!
That is such a beautiful photo of you Kat in front of the Taj
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